hackUST 2022 | powered by Nan Fung Group

About hackUST

hackUST is an annual hackathon at HKUST since 2014 which aims at cultivating student innovation and entrepreneurship through providing a platform for both technical and non-technical students with like-minded interest to tackle problems with creative ideas and solutions.

The hackUST is more than a platform for the students to tackle problems but a platform with a pool of talents with entrepreneurial mindset who are potential candidates sought after by organizations which are looking for new recruits and creative solutions adoptable for their operations.

With 8 years of development, the hackUST + hardUST has become the largest hackathon held in the Greater China region. [NEWS] It is also one of the most sought-after hackathon events by university students around the world.

  • Craziest hackathon
  • Biggest hackathon in Greater China region
  • Open to all university students / alumni in the world

Highlights of Past hackUST Moments



  • 4,200+
  • 1,020+
  • 30+
*The total number was accumulated since the first hackUST held in 2014.

News Coverage

This time, as the support unit of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Hackathon, and organized students to win awards in the competition, it is a beneficial exploration and effective measure for the cooperation between our school and Hong Kong and Macao universities in the cultivation of innovative and entrepreneurial talents.

HackUST2022, the annual hackathon competition organized by EC, was held in late April, with over 750 students from more than 30 countries and regions participating. EC Acting Director Donny SIU said that they hope to develop HKUST into an Asian hackathon hub in the long run and will continue to instill entrepreneurial spirit in students. (Wen Wei Po) 文匯網 – 逾760人參加科大黑客松創業賽


HackUST, encourages coders, designers and entrepreneurs to find digital solutions for real social problems.




香港科技大學的黑客松 (hackUST),希望透過他們的創意思維,協助解決業界痛點


The chance of developing their proposal into a real project.

The hackUST 2017 is a 24-hour coding competition open to all university students/ alumni in the world and is the largest university hackathon in Asia.

Shortlisted in “hackUST & hardUST” is a huge achievement for him to represent Malaysia.

科大團隊「黑客松 」6項目奪5冠

First virtual hackust breaks the records with 860 talents competing for 15 awards

創業比賽鼓勵女性平權 疫情新常態下在職媽媽獲關注

港科大「黑客松」參與人數創新高 Z時代關注社會責任及實際應用

德勤:科技人才最搶手 網絡安全專才達鑽石價



So glad that more enterprises are reaching out to young students and startups for ideas, solutions, talents and investment.

For those who wish to realize their innovation and skills by starting a business, HKUST offers many opportunities, including HackUST.

Deloitte x HKUST Hackathon#Smart City, aiming to encourage students from different disciplines to develop your prototype


Organizing Committee of hackUST 2022, powered by Nan Fung Group

  • Donny Siu


  • Niyomi Shah

    Coordination Executive

  • Humyra Nasrin

    Marketing Executive

  • Paarban Nath

    Marketing Executive

  • Henaya Sanghvi

    Logistics Executive